Cedigma Magazine has an open call for article submissions! We invite students, researchers and teachers to contribute with unpublished works that promote the advancement of knowledge in: Behavior Analysis, Hospital Psychology, Thanatology, Mourning, Mental Health, Organizational Psychology, Health Areas and Human Sciences.
Cedigma Magazine is indexed: LATINDEX; CROSSREF; GOOGLE ACADEMIC; ZENODO; ACADEMIA.EDU; ESJI; BASE; DIADORIM; MIGUILIM; RESEAR CHBIB; EURO PUB; Free; Datacite; SUDOC; OPENAIRE; OASISBR; Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg; Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent; University Library of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; University of Regensburg; HEAR; WorldCat; SCILIT; Geneva Foundation.
Published: 2025-01-23